IES Solutions Apps

AIB Lite 1.0.0
IES Solutions
AIB Lite è un’applicazione per lasegnalazionedi incendi boschivi. Con AIB Lite è possibile inviareinformazionidettagliate sul tipo di avvistamento (es. fumo oincendio), lecaratteristiche di cosa viene segnalato (es. colore einclinazionedel fumo) e del luogo dell'incendio, oltre ai parametrirelativialle condizioni meteorologiche. Si possono inoltrespecificarecaratteristiche di dettaglio di cosa sta bruciando ecome, oltreche indicare alcuni parametri tecnici (es. CPS-Campbell)e rischiassociati (es. vicinanza di abitazioni).AIB Lite è una applicazione ideale per chi sioccupaprofessionalmente della tutela del territorio, ma anche perchivuole informare rapidamente e dettagliatamente gli Enti diSoccorsoe Protezione in merito ad avvistamenti causali.AIB Lite è conforme ai decreti sulla Interoperabilità datidelMinistero dell'Interno e può consentire ai gestori delleattivitàAnti Incendi Boschivi di intervenire rapidamente edorganizzare almeglio le attività operative.AIB Lite è un’applicazione dimostrativa e richiedeunaregistrazione. Le segnalazioni inviate sono da considerarsiutilisolo a scopo dimostrativo e NON VENGONO IN NESSUN MODOprocessatedai servizi di emergenza ma sono visualizzabili a titolodi puradimostrazione dopo inserimento delle credenziali di accessosulsito della suite JIXEL - AIB Litenonsostituisce quindi la telefonata di richiesta di interventodaeffettuare ai numeri di emergenza.È disponibile anche una versione dell’applicazione per gliutentiprofessionali interessati: per informazioni, basta compilareilform disponibile all’indirizzo Lite is anapplicationfor the reporting of forest fires. With AIB Lite youcan senddetailed information about the type of sighting (eg smokeor fire),the characteristics of what is being reported (eg colorandinclination of smoking) and the location of the fire, as wellaswith the parameters related to weather conditions. You canalsospecify the characteristics of the detail of what is burningandhow, as well as point out some technical parameters(eg,CPS-Campbell) and associated risks (eg proximityofdwellings).AIB Lite is an ideal application for those who areprofessionallyinvolved in the protection of the territory, but alsofor those whowant to quickly inform and detail Bodies Relief andProtectionregarding sightings causal.AIB Lite is in compliance with decrees on InteroperabilityMinistryof Interior data and may allow assets managers Anti ForestFires toact swiftly and to better organize theoperationalactivities.AIB Lite is a demo application and requires registration.Thesignals transmitted are to be considered for demonstrationpurposesonly and ARE NOT IN ANY WAY processed by emergency servicesbut canbe viewed as a pure demonstration after entering accesscredentialson the site of the suite JIXEL - https://demoviewer.jixel. eu /. AIB Lite isnota substitute for the phone call for action to be taken totheemergency numbers.There is also a version of the application for professionalusersinvolved: for information, just fill out the form availableat
Sicilia Si Cura 7.5
IES Solutions
Further to the “Order no. 24 of June 6, 2020” issued bythePresident of the Sicilian Region, when you are planning a triptoSicily or booking services related to your trip (flight,train,ferry, ship), you are required to register, byeither starting the registration procedure onthe portal or tappingon the "Register" button of the APPSiciliaSiCura. Afterregistering, a welcome message will be sent toyour email alongwith instructions for completing the registration.By clicking onthe received link, you will be able to reach the pagefor creatingyour personal password. On the day of arrival inSicily, a seconde-mail will be sent to you with detailedinstructions for usingSiciliaSiCura. As soon as you enter Sicily,you will have tocheck-in by confirming your presence in Sicily.After logging inwith your credentials, you will be able to send afirst messageabout your health conditions on arrival. This willallow theRegional Health Service (RHS) to know all visitors’healthconditions upon arrival in Sicily. You will receive acourtesynotice daily, reminding you what to do in case youexperiencesymptoms related to Covid-19. If one of the symptomsrelated toCovid-19 occurs, it must be reported to the RHS by usingthe AppSiciliaSiCura. To help you to get support, it is possibletovoluntarily choose to be geolocated: in this way the RHS willbeable to identify the closest Health Structure. SiciliaSiCurawillprovide you with instructions about what to do. You will getapersonal contact code to be used in all communications with theRHSe.g. when contacting the toll-free number 800 45 87 87. Pleasenotethat SiciliaSiCura IS NOT AN EMERGENCY SERVICE: for anymedicalemergency you must always dial the emergency number 112. Itisalways possible at any time to unsubscribe from the servicebyaccessing the “Settings → Cancel me” functionality on the App.Atthe end of your stay in Sicily, you will be able to "check-out"andunsubscribe directly from SiciliaSiCura. In this way, yourdatawill be permanently removed, and you will no longer be able tosendupdates on your health conditions. Please keep in mind thattherecorded data of each single user will be stored for no longerthan16 days from the departure date (check-out) from Sicilyandconsequently permanently removed from the system. In any case,dataof a user who has not been active for more than 30 days willbeautomatically removed from the system. The complete user manualforSiciliaSiCura is available at
Anch'ioSegnalo 2.0.1
IES Solutions
Anch'ioSegnalo is a free App for smartphone that is provided tocitizens